Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Booga Wooga Fever~

~My Booga Rendition~

Felting is cool. At least that's what the pricetag says at Beverly's on a piece they had hanging next to the wool bins. They wanted 99.00 dollars for a handbag, and I said, ok I gotta do this. So naturally, I bought the not all wool variety, and yes I know it probably won't felt up like it is supposed to, and yes I know you will probably still see the stitches, and yes I know you need 100 Percent wool, but there you are, the Rebel in me, says 'whatever'. The above is 'Landscapes' by our friends at Lion Brand. I used the Popcorn bag idea and icored the top bindoff, grabbing an extra string of Sensations Wull out of the huge stash of cool yarnies that my Mom gave me, O happy day. I just finished my icord handles last night about two inches too short on the second, but hey. Perfection is highly overrated. I have one little skein left and I cast on to make a cool little coin purse or whatever it turns out to be, and thought I'd wait to felt until I had that done. Maybe. I'm excited to throw it in, and a little nervous, but life is an adventure, yes? I read up at the Lion Brand site and they advised throwing it in the dryer for 'additional' felting, maybe I'll try that. I will always love it, no matter if it felts 'properly'. Still haven't decided to keep or give, I suppose that just depends on how I feel on the morrow. My Mom's socks are calling out to me to finish them. So tiny the stitches on that one, and her birthday is creeping up, but still I play with my booga. I got the boogawooga fever, and why not, it's sweeping the world!

Have you made your booga bag yet?


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